Further to a resolution passed at a meeting of the Executive of the EALCJ on 4 May 2020, notice is hereby given that:
The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Labour Court Judges will take place on Saturday 6 June 2020 at 1200 midday (United Kingdom time).
Having regard to the existence of United Kingdom government-imposed restrictions upon activities in the light of the current Coronavirus pandemic, and further to a decision taken at the meeting of the Executive on 4 May 2020, and following consultation with the members of the Board of Directors of the EALCJ, it has been agreed that the Annual General Meeting will take place by way of video-conferencing, using the “Zoom” platform.
The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting, together with electronic versions of background documents relevant to that Agenda, will be circulated by the Secretariat in advance of the meeting. At the same time, guidance on how to join the meeting by “Zoom” will be provided for all members of the Board of Directors.